Sunday 14 April 2013


It is common knowledge for us that men use logic and women use emotion. Through this blog, we will write everything that we experience, hear and are inspired in our daily life. Along the way, we could see if that common knowledge stands :p. Hope we can be a blessing through our writings.

She said: 
Hi...who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell. Gak denk!! aku manusia biasa... terjebak di dalam pulau perantauan yang penuh dengan keteraturan (boring!!) ... seorang gadis yang susah berkonsentrasi, senang berinteraksi, gemar makan nasi dan suka menasehati (tanpa menyadari kalo terkadang suka melanggar nasehat sendiri) 

sedang (read:selalu) bergumul dengan masalah berat badan. Suka sayur mayur dan buah-buahan, berotak bisnis yang sedang gelisah memikirkan jenjang kehidupan masa depan. 

Seseorang yang terbiasa hidup dalam ketidakteraturan dan juga hobby tidur aka pelor

Siapa yang mengenal iin, akan selalu merasa dibohongi dengan sifat iin... explanatory for this: iin tidak pernah berniat membohongi orang lain... hanya saja mood "hermit" terkadang bisa muncul dan membuat orang-orang terdekatku sakit hati (kirain lagi dicuekin or dimusuhi) ... 

Padahal tidak loh saudara saudari... coba lemparlah topik yang menarik ataupun suguhi risol isi ayam sayuran... iin akan menyambutmu dengan senyum yang paling ceria (asal jangan datengnya subuh2 - resiko ditanggung sendiri kalo sampe disambut dengan senyum bantal or dilempar bakiak) 

Sekian dulu sekilas info tentang iin... 

Inga-inga... sedia payung sebelum hujan... tissue sebelum menangis...kantong kresek sebelum muntah (halah) .... ciaoooowwww 

He said:
One common phrase that people say about me, no matter what their genders, nationalities, races, religions or statuses, is: “You are very quiet”... Well, I am actually not quiet, it’s just I don’t think people are ready with my thoughts... Haha... Blessed those are whom with them I am not quite, ‘cos I think they have capacity to accept my thoughts... :p

Enough for being a narcissist... It’s always difficult for me to communicate my thoughts, only few people with whom I can communicate comfortably... Sometimes my ego is just too big to be criticised by others... I heard from one talk in YouTube that EGO stands for Edging God Out, it's a bad thing... So, here I am, always try to learn to be a better person... One of my favourite quotes says like this: “We live & learn (It is always possible to increase one's knowledge and experience)”... 

Btw, my name is Yulius... You may get a glimpse of my thoughts through this blog... :D